Inner Acceptance Therapy

Anger Management Classes Houston

Personal & Business Coaching

Business Human Capital Coaching

Growing your business starts with taking care of your employees. When they are happy, you can expect them to be creative and perform at their highest levels. If you are experiencing low morale and low productivity in your organization or small business, our proven record of helping businesses grow can help you too!

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We offer a one-on-one consultative approach where we impart a growth mindset in your employees and tangible skills to help them to perform at their best. We teach them how to communicate with each other, interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, coaching skills, business development and marketing skills, and more.

Personal Coaching

There are times when you just need someone to lift your spirits and help guide you on your journey. We can help you to grow in your confidence, your relationships, and your professional life.

We offer a one-on-one approach to helping you to redefine yourself and your life. Consider this type of coaching as a personal mentorship. We offer you the chance to get the essential feedback that you need to help you conquer your journey in life.

Personal Branding & Networking

Creating a personal brand is extremely important if you want to grow your business or advance in your career. When employees are allowed to represent their company at conferences or events, they are not only developing themselves but also providing the organization more exposure. This is also where networking skills come into play. Both personal branding and networking go hand-in-hand. We can help teach you how to build an effective personal brand, how to leverage your personal brand in networking, and how to actually network at expos, conference, meetings, and other events.

Complete the “Contact Us” section to request more information on pricing and offerings.

Work & Career Issues

Most of us spend more time at work than at home, therefore the workplace should be an environment where we feel safe and comfortable. However, because work is where a bunch of different personalities, communication styles, and worldviews gather around, things don’t always go smoothly. In fact, workplace bullying is on the rise and though statistics vary, some studies reveal that nearly half of all American workers have been affected by this problem, either as a target or as a witness to abusive behavior against a co-worker.

Examples of common workplace issues include:

How a Therapist Can Help

Business Coaching To Avoid Stress

Therapy for work and career issues can help a person develop a better understanding of their wants and needs as well as approach alternative ways to handle tension while on the clock. Therapy is a neutral setting where patients can discuss their fears, worries, or stressors, and regain control of their happiness.

Psychotherapy tends to work well when addressing workplace issues because talk therapy such as this can effectively treat depression and anxiety that can stem from these conflicts. A mental health professional can also teach coping skills that will help a person manage work-related stress.