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Time for Self Care

Self-Care and Stress-Filled Employment: What Do I Do When I Don’t Have Time for Self-Care?

Have you been bombarded with so much work that it leaves no room for some you time?

There are so many things that we have to do for the sake of keeping our finances and families in order. You have to work a full-time job, take your kids to school, clean the house, pay the bills, and more. But, when does that leave time for yourself?

You can pass out when you think about all of the responsibilities you need to accomplish. You feel like there just are not enough hours in the day to do things that make you feel good. The truth is that there is always time to do things that soothe your soul. Like the flight attendant tells you before takeoff, “put your oxygen mask on first” before helping others. Taking care of yourself should always be a priority.

Here are some self-caring activities you can fit in during your day that take a few minutes to do.


If you have ten minutes of spare time, you can use it to meditate. Having so many activities to accomplish can make you feel very overwhelmed. Your heart rate may beat faster than usual with your breathing ragged. Meditation is a great way to get your heart rate back to normal and clear your mind. It can help you focus on the present moment instead of on your anxious thoughts. You can find a number of free guided meditation apps as well as meditation videos on YouTube.

Anxiety Treatment

Boxed Breathing

If you are looking for a destressing breathing exercise that only takes a minute of your time, boxed breathing is for you. First, slowly breathe in for four seconds as your lungs fill with air. Second, hold your breath for four seconds. Third, slowly exhale through your mouth for four seconds. Keep repeating these three steps until your mood is improved. Eventually, your blood pressure will lower and you will feel much calmer. You can even set up a reminder on your phone to make it a daily habit.

Write in a Journal

A refreshing activity you can do during your 15-minute breaks at work or before you go to bed is to write in a journal. We have all of these thoughts in our heads that are just waiting to come out. Find a pencil or pen and write either on loose sheets of paper or a journal to write about your day. You can also write about your struggles, what you are grateful for, your hopes, and more. Do not worry so much about your thoughts making sense. Just dedicate 15 minutes to writing them all down.

See a Friend

If you have an hour to spare, see if you can meet up with a friend. Find someone who is a good listener that you can vent out your worries. See if you can meet them for lunch or dinner to eat good food and relax. If you are not able to meet in person, see if you can arrange a video chat. A friend is a great person you can laugh and be at ease with.


If you feel like everything is too much to handle, you will feel better knowing you can turn to a Higher Power. Praying is something you can do any time of the day for any length of time. It can be the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you do before you sleep. You can pray during your commute to work, on your lunch break, and even at the gym! This is the time for you to ask your Higher Power for the strength to get through your hectic day. By praying, you will have faith you can get through anything.

If you would like to learn more about stress management, please schedule your first appointment today.