Does it feel overwhelming when you think about all of the things you need to do for a healthier you?
There is so much we have to do during the day. Pay the bills, cook, shop, exercise, clean, sleep, repeat. You may have a daily task list in your head, but feel like you do not have enough time to do everything.
During overwhelming days, it is important to remind yourself that there is only so much you can do in one day. One study says that having a strong routine that promotes good sleep, diet, and exercise can improve your physical and mental health. Having more daily routines can lower your stress levels when health issues or negative life events occur. You may have a different focus each day you want to improve on.
Here are four ways to stay on top of your mental and physical health routines.
1. Start Out Small
When you first create your routine, you do not have to have every minute planned and scheduled. Think about something in your life that you can improve on more.
You could be adding something new to the mix like focusing on reading more. You may have a bunch of books untouched that you have been wishing to sit through. Before you go to bed, you can incorporate a half hour to an hour of reading.
This can also be an opportunity to remove a bad habit from your routine like staying away from drugs and alcohol. Abusive substances can lead to poor performance and decision-making. Finding healthier replacements can bring positive long-term outcomes.
2. Add to Existing Habits
Part of the challenge of making a routine is not knowing how much can fit into a day. Think about the natural routine you have already created for yourself.
Going back to fitting reading into your routine, maybe you tend to exercise during the morning. Instead of feeling like you need to choose between reading and exercise, you can do both! If you walk or run on a treadmill, you can set your book right in front of you and read while working out. If you go for a run outside, you can listen to an audiobook instead of your usual music.
Seeing how you can add a new habit to your usual routine will welcome positive change.
3. Prepare to Make Swaps
Take a good look at your routine and think if there is anything you can change about it. There could be unhealthy habits you can swap out for something better for your health.
For instance, it may be a habit for you to eat fried foods every dinner like fried chicken with fries. However, a routine like this can lead to weight gain, clogged arteries, cholesterol problems, and more. Instead, swap out fried foods with grilled or baked chicken with steamed potatoes and vegetables. This will encourage a balanced diet where you get all of your essential nutrients.
While habits like eating sugary foods or binge-watching TV may be fine in moderation, finding more productive uses of your time for your body and mental health is a routine worth sticking with.
4. Plan Ahead
If you are experiencing a busy day, you may not have time to fulfill everything you want in your routine for tomorrow. It is okay! Before you go to bed, you can plan ahead for the next day. It can be things like having your outfit laid out for work, making your lunch, or choosing a home workout if you cannot make it to the gym. Even if you are in too much of a hurry to think about what to incorporate into your routine for the next day, you can still plan for what is in your control.
If you are ready to make your mental and physical health a priority, please schedule your first appointment today.