Inner Acceptance Therapy

Anger Management Classes Houston
Mental Stress

How Our Thinking Guides Our Behavior

Sometimes our own mind is what holds us back from being able to experience life in a meaningful and joyful way.  We become hooked on negative thoughts and beliefs all the time.  Each one of us carries a lot of self-doubt, self-blame, and harbor various other negative thoughts about our inadequacies.  Even if on the surface others don’t see it, deep down, its hiding there just waiting to peek its nasty head around the corner.

We have to learn how to unhook ourselves from these thoughts that do not serve us.  The worst thing we can do to ourselves, which we do this all the time, is to glob all of these negative experiences into one, to justify the negative belief.

The negative thinking is not up for debate on whether the thought is true or false.  What you can be interested in is whether the thoughts are helpful and if they lead you to living a better life.  Ask yourself, “What good have I learned about myself in light of this experience?”

Think for a moment about the strengths that you do have!  Think about the evidence that you have that supports the notion that there is something good about you and you are capable and worthy of having good experiences.  Look deep inside and find the love for your heart, at the core of who you are as a person.

Finally, staying in the here and now is so important.  When we find ourselves thinking about the past that we cannot change, or worrying too much about the future, we are not being fully present in the gift of today!

These negative thinking styles did not miraculously appear overnight.  It has taken a lot of time for this belief to condition itself in your mind.  You are NOT your thoughts.  

It takes a lot of courage to start the process and make the commitment to change.  Change does not happen overnight, nor does it happen in just 3 sessions.  We cannot fix the past, but we can walk through this together.  I’ll offer you various techniques to try and see which one works best for you.  It is not a cookie cutter process.  There will be good days and bad days.  That’s normal.

You have it in you!  Trust this process.  Let’s talk!