Inner Acceptance Therapy

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Consult Mental Health Professionals for Loneliness

Navigating Loneliness This Holiday Season

The holiday season is generally thought of as a time of joy and love, but for many people, it’s a time of loneliness. Perhaps you are social distancing with restrictions on travel and gatherings due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or live far from family and miss seeing loved ones this time of year.

Many of us are feeling the burden of the overwhelming stress and anxiety this holiday season.  We are all navigating these uncharted waters together. The following suggestions can help.

Understand That You’re Not Alone

While it may be uncomfortable to feel lonely, it’s also OK to feel this way.  Accepting the reality of life right now is a hard thing to do, we totally understand that.  You may want to examine what’s behind your feelings of loneliness, either on your own or with the help of a therapist.  There are many ways to connect with a therapist online right now, so you don’t even have to leave your home.

Talking to others who may share your feelings (either via the internet or in real life) can help you to feel less alone in your situation.

Connect With Others

Whether you’re saying hello to neighbors, exchanging friendly words with people at the office, writing holiday cards, or picking up the phone and calling an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, reaching out to people and strengthening bonds can help you feel more connected and less lonely.

Virtual holiday celebrations will also likely be popular this year as people do their best to connect with friends and family who they’re unable to see in person due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions.

Cultivate Gratitude

There are many far-reaching benefits to practicing gratitude. One easy antidote to feelings of lack is to cultivate feelings of gratitude for what you have.

If you’re feeling a lack of love in your life, make a concerted effort to focus on the love that you do have—from friends, family, neighbors, and even pets. You can also focus on things you really value in your life like your work, hobbies, or even your potential.

Maintaining a gratitude journal can be a wonderful exercise in cultivating an attitude of gratitude. We’ve recently published our own gratitude journal to help get you started for the New Year.  Order your copy today.

Give to Others

One particularly meaningful way to feel less lonely during the holidays is to donate your time to a cause you believe in.  Helping others who are less fortunate can fill you with feelings of love and pride.

It also can remind you of all you have to be grateful for, and even connect you with others who share your passion. You’ll be part of something larger than yourself, and you’ll be immersing yourself in the true spirit of the holiday season.