Inner Acceptance Therapy

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Accepting And Loving Yourself: 5 Tips To Practice This Month

You may think that the most important thing in the world is for everyone to like you. But, what about liking yourself?

It sounds like a conceited thought to like who you are, but it is a necessary step to make others like you. Self-acceptance is about valuing all parts of yourself- the good and the bad. You do not let your imperfections stop you from accepting yourself. It is just a part of who you are. Instead of judging yourself, spend time instead incorporating these five tips into your life to practice accepting and loving yourself.

1. Think About How You View Yourself

We all have strengths that the people around us wish they had for themselves. You can start by writing a list of all of the strengths and skills that make you stand out. For example, “I am a talented piano player” or “I am a quick thinker.” You can also list your accomplishments. Examples can be like taking care of your kids despite a family tragedy or hitting 10,000 steps on your step tracker.

Finally, think about the things you do not like about yourself or judgments you have heard from others. Identify where those thoughts came from and challenge them. For example, if someone criticized your looks, they may want to put you down to feel better about themselves. If you have criticized yourself for your looks, it could be from looking at glamorized people.

2. Focus on Self-Acceptance

Once you have challenged your thoughts, learn to accept them. Think about what you would like to improve about yourself, but still accept these flaws for what they are. For example, you may want to lose weight, but you can still say to yourself that you are beautiful. This will avoid walking around in self-judgment for being a few pounds more than others. After, you can decide for yourself if this needs to be improved. It is also important to lower your expectations of yourself so you do not feel like a failure. For instance, instead of feeling down from eating a lot of junk food, tell yourself that you will just eat healthier tomorrow.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

It is easy to let the thoughts and opinions of other people change the way you see yourself. Instead of allowing other people to tell you who you are, you can do that all by yourself! Just like what Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” 

You can start practicing self-compassion by saying daily affirmations. One example would be, “I accept that I am not perfect and make mistakes, but that is okay.” This proves you know who you are and are fine with it. You can also write a letter to your past self for anything you have regretted doing to show you have moved on. Be grateful that you have learned from past behavior.

4. Take Small Steps for Self-Improvement

If there is anything you want to improve about yourself, take small steps to do so. If you want to get into shape, you do not have to run a mile every day. This will make you feel down on yourself if you have not made that accomplishment. You can tell yourself you will get yourself active for 30 minutes every day. This will help improve your self-confidence and self-worth. Your long-term goal can be accomplished with each small goal you make. 

5. Seek Help When You Need It

Your friends and family are the best people to help you feel loved every day. They will always remind you of your self-worth. A therapist is another person to consider if you want a professional’s advice and opinion. They will delve into your past to see where your self-thoughts come from and what to do about them. Acceptance and loving yourself will help others see the allure you bring out every day.