Inner Acceptance Therapy

Anger Management Classes Houston
Depression & Anxiety Treatment With Positivity

3 Straight-Forward Ways to Reduce Your Depression

Why is depression such a difficult thing to deal with? How come when everyone around us is happy and smiling, we feel drained and empty instead?

Depression is a mental illness that makes you feel hopeless. When you lack motivation and happiness, you do not have the urge to seek help. While exercising and spending time with friends or family should pump you up, someone with depression could be feeling exhausted. Remember that just because recovering from depression is hard to do does not make it impossible. It is all about starting small and remembering why it is you want to get better. 

The first step is always the hardest in getting up from your bed and saying hello to the world. But just like Forrest Gump said, “When I got there, I figured, since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going.” If you made it past the first step, you might as well go on to the next step, and the third, and so on. Here are some easy steps to reduce your depression to help you look forward to the new day.

1. Reach Out To Your Loved Ones

When you are depressed, it is only natural to want to withdraw from your friends and isolate yourself. You may be too tired to talk, ashamed, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships. This is just your depression talking as you love your friends and family. Reaching out to someone does not make you weak and you are not a burden to others. 

This person who makes you feel safe and protected does not have to try to fix you but just be a good listener. While phone calls, texting, and social media posts are great ways to stay connected, there is nothing like some face-to-face interactions. Do not be afraid to even reach out to your pet either! Petting your dog, cat, or any other pet can provide you with comfort and loyalty.

2. Do Things That Make You Happy

The best way to fight back depression is to go back to the activities that used to make you happy. If someone invites you to a social event, you should go whether you feel like it or not. You may surprise yourself by how well you respond to it. Once you get back to the activities you neglected, your energy can spike up again. Pick up on a former hobby or a sport you used to play. Express how you are feeling in a fun way through dancing, art, music, or writing. You can also get out of the house with your friends by finding a local event where you cannot help but have fun like a carnival, concert, a baseball game, and more.

3. Soak Up the Sun

The sun is a powerful source of energy we can use whenever we step outside. Sitting out in the fresh air and sunlight can boost your serotonin levels and your mood. If the weather is nice, put on some sunscreen and sit out in the sun for 15 minutes. Take the opportunity whenever you can on your lunch break, drinking coffee, gardening, or eating outside. You can go for a walk in the park or exercise outside. If you live in an area with little sunshine, find a light therapy box you can try out near you.


Your depression needs to be taken as seriously as any injury or chronic illness. If you notice your depression symptoms are still staying with you two weeks later despite your efforts, please contact us. While depression may make you feel like a lost cause, just know that there is always hope for you in recovery. Even with the professional help you are getting, you can incorporate these methods as part of your treatment plan to be happier and healthier.