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Discover The Foods That May Be Worsening Your Anxiety Or Depression: What To Eat And What To Avoid For Improving Your Mood

Have you been feeling more stressed or depressed than usual? What have you been putting on your plate more often than you should?

While anxiety and depression have to do with genes and environmental factors, they could also have something to do with your diet. While the foods you eat may not be a cure for anxiety or depression, they can definitely make an impact on your overall mood on a daily basis. Here are some foods that you should avoid and others you should incorporate into your diet to prevent the worsening of your mental health and strengthen it instead.

Avoid Sugar

We cannot help but want the sweet taste of sugar to be absorbed in cakes, candy, drinks, cereals, and sauces. Not only do processed foods have sugar, but even fruits and vegetables do. But, not only can sugar use up the B vitamins we need to be in a good mood, but it can also cause a peak in glucose levels. Since the brain depends on an even amount of glucose, sugar can lead to depression and crying spells. Sugar can also affect your thyroid which is responsible for determining how your body uses energy, affecting your mood. The initial high you feel from sugar wears off when your body produces insulin to remove sugar from the bloodstream, leaving you tired and low.

Eat Raw Honey Instead

While honey may be sweet like sugar, it is a better and healthier food substitute for your mood. Honey helps reduce inflammation which causes depression in some cases. It also contains hormone-balancing properties that stop depression in teenagers and adults. For a more calming effect, you should add honey to a soothing hot cup of tea and take in the relaxation. A tablespoon of honey would taste very satisfying on toast, drizzled on cereal, on your yogurt, or even salad dressings.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods like sausage, deli meat, and hotdogs are other types of foods that can increase inflammation. Inflammation can affect areas of the brain responsible for motivation and motor activity as well as areas that control anxiety. A London study showed that those who ate processed meats, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, and sweetened desserts had a 58% higher risk of depression compared to those who ate fish and vegetables. Excessive salt intake can raise your blood pressure and send your heart into overdrive which leads to anxiety as well.

Eat Yogurt Instead

If you cannot help but snack on some processed food, you are better off with yogurt. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Try to select one that has less than 12 grams of sugar and add the sweetness of your favorite fruits. Greek is the way to go in that it has double the protein and half the sugar in it. The protein in yogurt helps the production of the brain chemicals norepinephrine and dopamine, helping with mental alertness, energy, and reaction time.


The brain and the stomach have a binding relationship with each other that affects how you feel during the day. When a particular food is absorbed in your stomach, it can have an effect on your mood. You may be feeling more tired than usual or more stressed out. Take a good look at what is in your fridge and what you eat the most during the week. If you are confused about which feel-good foods to incorporate into your diet, your therapist will have a good idea for recommendations. Go to your local supermarket and give this new diet a try for a calmer, happier you.

If you are struggling to cope with anxiety or depression, please reach out to us today so we can begin your path to healing.