Inner Acceptance Therapy

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Psychological evaluation

Psychological Evaluation: All You Need To Know About It

Psychological Evaluations are not a form of indictment or judgment upon a teen’s personality or self. They are an essential clinical tool for assessing a child’s well-being and psychological needs and represent a critical step towards getting them access to the care they need to live a better life. A psychological evaluation utilizes different tools to identify a teen’s treatment needs. They are no different from any other sort of medical diagnostic procedure.

Understanding how these evaluations take place, how they might help your teen, and when they become something for parents to investigate can help you and your teen prepares for what might come next and assuage any fears or misconceptions.

What is a Psychological Evaluation?

Psychological Evaluation is a clinical step towards identifying behavioral, intellectual, and psychological symptoms that may suggest a mental health issue and understanding the extent and nature of these symptoms. Teens can be volatile and experience many shifts in mood and thought during their pubescence and the years of early adulthood.

But there are still marked differences between normal teenage behavior and disordered thinking or behavior, characterized by disruptions in everyday life, troubles at home and school, and clear signs of dysfunction and maladaptation. These evaluations are not about making children fit a mold or controlling a problematic child, but about giving the hurt and confused child the help, they need to feel better and get better. It is about identifying and diagnosing disorders that require treatment and often respond best to the treatment given easily and swiftly.

It is about differentiating between typical behaviors and thinking that might worsen a parent and symptoms of a severe mental health issue that could present a danger to the teen’s wellbeing. Psychological or psychiatric evaluations are always performed by a trained medical professional, usually a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist.

When Is a Psychological Evaluation Necessary?

Psychological evaluations are usually the first step toward figuring out what might be going on with your teen. If your teenager is acting strange, has had a sudden change in mood and behavior, or continues to show signs of abnormal or irrational behavior for a consistent period across multiple settings, then they may need help.

Some signs that a teen might need a psychological evaluation include the following:

  • Extreme worries and fears.
  • Self-imposed isolation.
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss.
  • Change in appetite.
  • Risky behavior not tied to temperament, i.e. acting unusually carefree.
  • Having difficulties with reality.
  • Making confusing or strange statements repeatedly.
  • Unexplained physical pains and recurring headaches.

What can a psychological Evaluation tell you about your teen?

A comprehensive picture of a teen’s physical and mental health is drawn during a psychological evaluation, including several interviews, written tests, physical exams, and neurological assessments. This information enables medical professionals to trace a patient’s symptoms back to a likely cause for treatment. A thorough psychological evaluation may contain the following components:

  • Asking questions about family dynamics and relationships at home and school.
  • A detailed family history, especially regarding psychiatric health, but also medical history.
  • Health history, including prior episodes or diagnoses, current and prior medication, and previous health conditions.
  • Screening tests to determine behavioral and emotional health, physical health, neurological functioning, cognitive ability, and more.
  • Environmental details include a teen’s home environment and upbringing, developmental history, trauma or grief, and so on.

Where Can Psychological Evaluations Be Done?

Are you looking for the best psychological evaluation near me? Inner Acceptance Therapy is here, where you can access psychological evaluations. Our licensed and experienced mental health therapists and counselors can help improve your quality of life and find your true happiness!